Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Hurricane Gustav headed towards New Orleans?

Hurricane season is looks like it is really starting to ramp up. Tropical Storm Fay has pretty much washed out a good long stretch of sky observing conditions that we have had here in West Virginia over the past couple of weeks. Now clouds and moisture have moved in, and are expected to hang around for the next few days.

Meanwhile, another tropical storm has developed south of Cuba and is headed into the open waters of the Gulf of Mexico. At this point in time, forecasters at TPC are saying the the storm will enter a favorable region in the Gulf of Mexico that will allow the storm to strengthen. The current track as it making landfall somewhere along the Gulf Coast about 5 days from now.

Wherever the storm winds up, it is sure to throw up another large batch of mid and high level clouds across much of the eastern United States next week as well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hurricane Gustav's Track - What Has Been Predicted ???

We sit and we wait as Hurricane Gustav heads toward what one could only hope will still be their home after the storm blows through. Many are wondering about Hurricane Gustav's track and where it will be heading.