Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) Doomsday Device Is ON!

It's official: The Large Hadron Collider has been switched on and the world is still here. This is the world's largest atom smasher located along the border between France and Switzerland. It is sometimes called the "Doomsday Device." This is because some critics believe that with this device, scientists will have the ability to create a anti-matter, and possibly even a black hole, which would devour the earth. There have even been lawsuits filed to try to stop the project. From news reports that I have read, it looks like it will take a few weeks for the more serious experiments to begin. They will start colliding protons and particles in about six to eight weeks. So, we still have a few months to party on. Be sure to voice your opinion on the side poll. With the LHC blow up the world?

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