Thursday, September 4, 2008

Mooncake Festival

The Chinese holiday known as the Mid-Autumn Festival falls on September 14th this year. During this time of year a popular pastry served are known as mooncakes. Mooncakes have a thin pastry crust with a thick paste-like filling, usually made from egg yolks and lotus seed paste. They can have different flavors of paste as well. My favorite are the tea flavored ones, and a wedge of this pastry is a perfect compliment to a cup of green tea.

The Mid-Autumn Festival occurs on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month of the Chinese calendar. This is usually right at the full moon that occurs during mid September to early October.

If you happen to have an Asian grocery nearby, you should be able to pick up a package or two of mooncakes that are already pre-made. During this upcoming full moon, make yourself a little green tea, cut a few wedges of mooncake, invite a few friends over and grab a lawn chair, and enjoy a nice evening under the moonlight.

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