Thursday, October 9, 2008

Halloween Night Sky

Halloween is one of the few nights of the year where people get outdoors in the night air. There is something special about a brisk fall evening, the smoky smell of fallen crimson leaves scattered on the ground, with jack 'o lanterns to light your way. There is much joy for the kids trick or treating. But, be sure to take a little bit of time to point out a neat of night sky that will be visible this year, even in the bright lights of a city. If you have clear skies then count yourself as being especially lucky.

This All Hallows Eve, Venus and the Moon will put on a nice display just after sunset. Be sure to take a look in the southwestern sky towards, where these two heavenly bodies will pair up to put up a beautiful display. You will need a unobstructed view of the southwest horizon if you are located in far northern latitudes.

Venus is one of the more fascinating celestial bodies, often visible in the early morning and evening hours depending on its position and orbit relative to the earth and the sun. The planet is often mistaken as a UFO, especially for people who view it from a car. It will always give the illusion that it is following you. It has tricked me once or twice, when I mistook it as a low flying aircraft. The most interesting aspect of this planet is that you can easily see the phases of the planet, much like the phases of the moon.

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