Wednesday, December 24, 2008

UFO Sightings Increase in Northern Canada; Military Confirmation!

Over the past days there has been a dramatic increase in UFO sightings over far northern Canada. Several reports have also trickled in from northern Alaska as well.  Eye witness accounts have also been consistent with each other which lends credibility to the sightings. The sightings have been more common closer to the far northern arctic leading experts to believe that there is an secret UFO base that has been established and is now in operation. 

The area of operations of this strange flying craft has been gradually expanding southward each passing hour.  If you head out tonight, there is a possibility you may catch a glimpse of this UFO.

These sightings have also been recently confirmed by military officials from the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD).  They started tracking the phenomena several days ago. They are now publicly displaying there latest data and tracking information on the object.  The latest tracking information on the mysterious NORAD UFO is best viewed using Google Earth.  

Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays!

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