Saturday, January 3, 2009

Chinese Sky Lanterns Light Up UFO Hotlines Across Europe

Celebrations on and around New Years Eve that involved the use of Chinese sky lanterns have caused UFO hotlines to light up across Europe and the United Kingdom over the past couple of weeks. Chinese sky lanterns have become more popular to light and release across the United Kingdom and Europe over the past couple of weeks.

After they are released they float in the air, up to several hundred feet and appear as lighted orbs floating in the sky. Usually, more than one will be released, and when they travel in groups, can be easily mistaken for a UFO.

Sky Lanterns have a wooden frame, usually bamboo, that is covered with oily rice paper. A small candle is placed inside the frame and hot air from the candle will collect inside the paper shell, causing the lantern to rise up into the air. It is almost like a miniature hot air balloon.

With the large number of sky lantern sightings it is still surprising to see some mainstream media outlets still reporting these as UFOs, when a simple web search will solve the mystery!


Unknown said...

Very cool! I had no idea they existed. Thanks for enlightenment!

Deanna Lack said...

We need more stuff like this in the US! Because they're pretty. And because Americans are even nuttier about UFOs :)