Thursday, October 2, 2008

UFO Sightings Increasing in Ireland

Came across this news article while surfing around about the increase in UFO activity around Belfast and Meath, Ireland. It sounds like they have some pretty interesting footage. A weird thing about the article is that they say they have some of the best footage of UFO's ever taken. But it was taken with a phone camera. How good could that be? Most camera phone video is pretty bad. I guess time will tell once it is released.

I am not really a believer in UFOs, as I have never seen one. I have seen some weird things at night, flashes of light (I mean big flashes), fireballs, streaks of light, and even some strange aircraft. But never a UFO. Maybe I will someday, but I am not holding out!

One of the stranger things I saw was the Aurora Borealis in Arizona in the late '90s. This was when the sunspot activity was at its peak during the last sunspot cycle. It looked like a giant forest fire on the northern horizon. For a while, I was scratching my head wondering what was going on, then it hit me. It was hard to believe that I was seeing it all of the way down south in Arizona.

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