Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Monster vs. Aliens Features a Meteor

A movie due out this spring will feature meteors and ufos as part of its plot. And what an interesting plot! That is, if you are interested in kids movies.

In Monsters vs Aliens, due out March 27th, 2009, a woman gets struck by an object from outer space on her wedding day. This meteor contains some sort of space goop that transforms her into a giant that is 50 stories tall.

The military then whisks her away to some secret facility that has a bunch of other monsters that have been caught over the years. One monster is a 350 foot grub called Insectosaurus, another is a blob of goo named "B.O.B". Each creature has their own quirky personality, that pervades these types of movies.

A giant alien robot from outer space attacks the earth, and the monsters are asked to take it out. Sounds like fun.

Check out the trailer for Monsters vs. Aliens

There are some notable stars that are in this movie. It includes Reese Witherspoon, Keifer Sutherland, and Paul Rudd.

It looks like Dreamworks Studio will have another hit on their hands for next summer. They are obviously capitalizing on the success of Monters, Inc. and The Incredibles. If a formula works, then why not try to squeeze out another dollar or two.

Based on what I saw in the trailer, I am quite sure that my kids will be dragging me to go see it.


Bob Johnson said...

Lol, I'll be dragging my wife to see it.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the review. The trailer is promising. I can't wait to se it and I have no little kids.