Friday, November 21, 2008

Venus Closing in On Jupiter in the Evening Sky

Each night, for the remainder of November you will see Venus get a little bit closer to Jupiter as they get ready for these planets rendezvous with the moon at the end of the month. I think this should be a very interesting site to see in the night sky. Am I stoked? You bet!

It will no doubt lead to an upswing in UFO reports on all the UFO reporting websites. Venus is one of the most common night sky objects that is mistaken for a UFO. Now it is going to get a chance to pair up with Jupiter and the moon. There should be lots of reports coming in!

We have been socked in with clouds here in West Virginia for the past couple of nights. Between the breaks in the clouds this evening, I was able to catch a glimpse of the two planets. They are a little more than a fist's width apart held at arms length . They are best view just after sunset.

We should have very good viewing conditions here in West Virginia for the next few nights. It will be cold. This will keep the humidity down near the surface for good viewing. The problem is the clouds. We have some more storm systems, and possibly snow out in the long run for Thanksgiving. This could really put a damper on seeing these planets get together.

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