Monday, November 30, 2009

UFO over Miami Skies

An object described as a red ball of fire flew through the skies of Miami on the evening of November 29th at around 7pm. From witness reports to local new agencies, such as CBS 4 TV, it sounds like a Chinese Lantern or maybe some sort of hoax. Chinese lanterns are often mistaken as UFOS and frequently reported as glowing orbs of light. If the lantern happens to catch fire, then it could produce a fireball like effect.

That did not stop local police and fire departments from spending a good portion of the evening searching for the object. The object was reported from people who live near Southwest 84th Street and 52nd Avenue.

It turns out that an object was recovered that was described to be a burning piece of wire mesh, probably what is left of the Chinese Lantern


Mikayla said...

Last night (November 30th) at about 11:44 PM central time, I saw a blue/greenish glowing ball in the sky flying fast with a small tail that was orange and sparking. It looked like a firework but I know that it wasn't. I saw it about 20 minutes south of St. Louis. Was this an asteroid/meteor? It disappeared after a few seconds of watching it fly. It was really odd, but really cool! Please respond. =)

JAMcLynne said...

Yes, this sounds like a meteor. Maybe a little too early for a Geminid. Maybe a leftover Leonid or a sporadic.

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