Saturday, March 21, 2009

Interesting UFO Reports This Weekend.

Several interesting UFO Reports have cropped up over the past couple of days. These reports have filtered in from both the East and West Coast.

UFOS, with military chase planes in tow, were sighted across California, and Lake Havasu, AZ Read more here.

There was also a report from Vermont that stated a fireball like object descended from the sky and landed in the woods. Here is a link to that UFO report.

In addition, there have been reports of strange radar returns from air traffic control radars in India, where an unidentified blip appeared over the Bay of Bengal. The object was tracked for a short time and also seemed to interfere with communications with other commercial jets in the area.

1 comment:

Mr.Anonymous said...

cool ufo blog! check out mine at! i followed yours as well