Sunday, December 6, 2009

Denver Man Gets UFO Initiative on the Ballot

Jeff Peckman has backed of the wall ballot initiatives in Denver before. In 2003 he backed an initiative that would have required Denver to adopt stress-reduction techniques. This would have required the city to spend money on things like, meditation sessions for its city employees. Needless to say, this one was soundly defeated by Colorado voters.

Now he is proposing that voters approve the creation of a panel pf experts to look into extra-terrestrial activity on Earth and figure out the best way to welcome the aliens to our planet. He would also have the panel seek out people of have been reportedly abducted by aliens be interview. I guess to learn about alien cultures and habits.

He got enough signatures on his petition to get it on the ballot in August 2010. After all, he was only required to get about 4000 signatures in a city of several million people. Having such a low requirement of petition signatures sure opens the door for wacky ballot measures.

A lot of people believe that UFOS exist. I am not committal. I have seen things in the sky, that had me guessing for a second or two, but once I realized what I was seeing, I came to my senses. But there are things that happen in the sky at night that are not readily identifiable. To jump to the conclusion that all UFOs are extra-terrestrial in origin is a bad assumption to make. Spending tax-payer money in UFO panels, in these hard economic times does not make much sense either.

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