Saturday, August 21, 2010

Perseid Meteor Shower Winding Down - What's Next?

The Perseid Meteor showers a quickly winding down, and these showers did not disappoint.  I was able to get out and view the skies for a couple of hours and was able to log a couple of sightings despite the poor view conditions at my location.  There was a lot of haze and a few clouds.

So, what's next if you are itching to get out and view some more meteors?  Well the Orionids are coming up on October 21st and October 22nd.  A full moon is expected on during the main viewing nights, so expect a lot of interference from moonlight.  Still, even with a full moon, you may get to see a few brighter shooting stars if you head out a few hours before twilight on the 19th.

The next shower after the Orionids are the Leonids in November.  Occasionally these showers put on a real show, and there moon will be in a waxing gibbous phase.  There should be fairly good viewing conditions for this meteor shower.  Get out on the night of November 17th to get the best chance to see a shooting star.

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