Monday, November 28, 2011

December Sky 2011: Meteor Showers, a Rendezvous, and Lunar Eclipse

Jupiter and the moon will team up again during the first week of December, coming closest on the evening of the 6th. Just look for a very bright object within a finger pinch of the moon on December 6th. The Moon will be just a couple of days from being a full moon, so it should be an impressive sight.

December Total Lunar Eclipse
Which takes us two the 10th of December, when the Moon will put on a real show. Best viewing will occur over the western part of the United States as the Moon especially if you live in the western United States.  The lunar action starts at around moon set for the West Coast. You will have to get up bright and early to view the final lunar eclipse for 2011.  On the West Coast, you should see the moon turn a blood red color before it sinks below the horizon.

Two Meteor Showers for December
There are two meteor showers slated for the month of December. First up are the Geminids which peak on the night of the 14th and 15th. The second shower are the Ursids which peak near the winter solstice on December 22nd.  The best chance for meteor shower viewing for the month of December in 2011 will be the later shower. Even though the Ursids are not considered as active as the Geminids, moonlight will not be around as the Moon will be entering its New Phase about the time that the Ursids peak.  Just dress warm for a chilly night, and you just may also spot Santa making some test flights!

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