Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Active Perseid Meteor Shower Possible for 2009

Look for the Perseid Meteor Shower to be a little more active during the late evening of August 11th and the early morning hours of August 12th. NASA is predicting that the earth will pass through a dense cloud of comet dust a little after midnight Pacific time or 9 or 10 PM east coast time. During this time frame, the Perseid's could peak with twice their normal intensity.

The Perseid's are one of my favorite showers to view. This is because usually during the summer months there is nice mild nighttime weather. This is one of the better shower to view because you can expect to see 100 hundred or more meteors per minute.

Since the comet dust is particularly dense this year, there is a chance that a much higher rate, or even an outburst will be observed. Hopefully, we will a have clear skies!

Best places to observe the event will be from an area away from city lights. Be sure to bring some insect repellent along.

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