Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Perseid Meteor Shower Report 2009

This year's Perseid Meteor Shower was a bust for me this year. We had several lines of thunderstorms move over us last night and the sky was blotted out by clouds. It was cloudy with light rain falling for most of the night. There was plenty of lightning around so we got a fireworks show of sorts.

If you happened to be one of the unlucky ones under cloud cover last night, there still is a chance to get out in the night skies to see a few stray shooting stars over the next few days. The earth is still passing through debris left by Comet Swift-Tuttle for a few more days. In my location, there is a chance that skies will clear enough tonight get out for some viewing.

In addition, there are always a chance at catching the other ongoing meteor showers. These are the the Delta Aquarids and Kappa Cygnids. The meteors associated with this shower track across the sky more slowly than Perseid's and travel in different directions, from their respective constellations. They are not as active as Perseid showers but are readily seen with patient sky watching.

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